Today, May 4, marks the start of the smart buses being parked at parish schools and offering free Wi-Fi to students. Calcasieu Parish School Board is using these buses as mobile hot spots for students to use if they have little to no internet access. This is free, filtered Wi-Fi for the students to use as part of virtual learning.

The buses have been equipped with a banner across the side for people to easily spot.  The buses will be available for use Monday through Friday between 8:00am to 3:00pm. The school board asks that visitors practice social distancing by remaining in their vehicles while in the parking lot. To use the Wi-Fi, visitors will have to park close to the smart bus and will connect to the Kajeet Smart Bus network. The password is smartbus.

Here is the list of Schools that will have smart buses.

  • Gillis Elementary School
  • Combre-Fondel Elementary School
  • LeBleu Settlement Elementary School
  • Washington-Marion High School
  • Bell City High School
  • Starks High School
  • Vincent Settlement Elementary School
  • LaGrange High School
  • Barbe Elementary School
  • DeQuincy Middle School
  • Vinton Elementary School
  • Western Heights Elementary School

CPSB wants visitors to know that, depending on the usage, these smart buses could relocate. Check the CPSB website daily for any changes. If you are experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity issues, please email

In addition to the above, there are multiple schools that have 24/7 Wi-Fi access from their parking lots. Visitors can access the Wi-Fi using CPSB-Air with their CPSB username and password. If you are having trouble logging on, please email

For a complete list of the parish schools that have parking lot Wi-Fi access, click here.

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