COVID-19 Media Briefing Thursday, Aug 5 at 3 p.m.
Yesterday was the first day that the mask mandate was issued for Louisiana. Governor John Bel Edwards seemed a little disturbed in his recent press conference. Understandably so, as more and more cases are rising in Louisiana with Hospitals seemingly to have shortages of beds in some parishes.
There is a need for a solution. However, there are still a lot of questions and answers that are needed to help us all move forward. Later today there will be a COVID-19 Media Briefing at 3 p.m. It will be held in the Emergency Operations Center of the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness building 901 Lakeshore Drive.
The media and the public are highly encouraged to watch the briefings online as the public is not allowed to attend in person. It will be live on C-GOV and through the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury's Facebook page. You can also see the live feed on the CPPJ website at www.calcasieuparish.gov. If you are planning on attending, you are asked to please follow the state and federal guidelines which are in place. The Delta Variant is nothing to play with, and while there are still reservations about the vaccine for many, I highly recommend wearing a mask. There is no full proof resistance to anything. But wearing a mask, getting a vaccine, or both could really help with the spread to others.
Make sure to tune in later today for the briefing as I am sure that many of the questions you have will be answered during that time. See a portion of the briefing from Governor John Bel Edwards from his facebook page
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