Motorists who drive along I-10 in South Louisiana had better mind their P's and Q's when they travel through the town of Welsh. That's because that Jefferson Davis Parish town is stepping up its traffic enforcement game and they're beefing up the cost you'll have to pay should you violate a traffic law along the Interstate.

Staff Photo
Staff Photo

The Welsh City Council has approved two measures linked to traffic and traffic control along I-10. First, the Council voted to increase the compensation for Welsh Police officers who take on traffic enforcement duty. That rate will go from $35 to $50. Officers from the Welsh PD work traffic detail on their days off from the department.

Incidentally, the starting pay for a Welsh Police Officer is $14 per hour. The new fines and new compensation are expected to go into effect as of November 5th.

In order to pay for the increased compensation for officers who work traffic enforcement duty the city council has approved an increase in fines for violations committed while driving on I-10. All fines, with the exception of seat belt violations, will be increased by $40.

The reason seat belt fines will not be increased is that those fines are set by the State of Louisiana. So they will remain where they are which is $50 for a first offense, $75 for a second offense, and then $75 plus court costs for each offense that follows.

Google Maps/Google Streetview
Google Maps/Google Streetview

Welsh Chief of Police Marcus Crochet told KPLC Television how the funds generated from traffic stops along I-10 in Welsh will be used. The chief told the TV station that fines will go into the town's general fund until that amount reaches $150,000. After that total has been reached Welsh PD will keep 60% of the fine-generated revenue while the town will get the other 40%.

Based on our observations and questionable map skills it looks as if less than 3 miles of Interstate 10 lie within the Town of Welsh's Police Jurisdiction. According to, "officers park on the shoulder of the road in a small white police unit with the trunk open so motorists can't see the light bar".  According to Welsh Police, if you drive the speed limit and obey the law, you'll have no issues.

Police Lights
Photo courtesy of Crime Stoppers of Vermilion

This is what we hope everyone who drives a vehicle in Louisiana will do but just in case you find your right foot is getting a little heavy just know that could be directly related to your wallet getting a lot lighter, especially if you're going to be driving through Welsh.

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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells






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