More and more videos and pictures are surfacing of the severe weather we received this afternoon as our much anticipated cold front came in. We had heard that the weather would be quite severe, but I don't know that any resident of Lake Charles expected it to get this bad. As we saw videos and pictures from Orange County level buildings, we were getting ready for the next round as the weather bands moved into the Lake Area.

The area hit the hardest seemed to be towards the south of us near Ham Reid and Gauthier roads. Homes there had roofs removed, shingles missing, and devastation left and right. One Facebook user caught one of the tornadoes that caused some damage as it made its way near Nelson and Ham Reid. Warning, there is some "adult" language being used, but I would have to say he was EXTREMELY calmer than I would have been in that situation. The tornado touches down right in front of him as he calmly throws it into reverse.

KEEP READING: Get answers to 51 of the most frequently asked weather questions...


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