This is now the second offense Tennessee has gotten from their fans "storming" a playing area after a game. The win heard across the nation was just this past Saturday as the Vols kicked a field goal to beat Alabama 52-49. As soon as the kick was ruled good, fans overtook the field celebrating the win. This celebratory field takeover, however, goes against the SEC rules of "access to the competition area". Apparently, the SEC doesn't' forgive and forget, the first offense against Tennesee happened back in 2006 during a basketball game they played against Florida. A first offense can be up to $50,000, a second offense up to $100,000, and three or more can be $250,000 each time it happens.

As fans cleared the stadium, they went right for the field goals and began to rip them down. There is a long history of football goalposts being torn down, mostly due to team rivalry coming to an end. One of the longest college football rivalries was Rutgers and Princeton. That began in 1869 with the Rutgers losing to Princeton every time until 1980. That sparked the fans to rush the field and rip the posts down in celebration of a long-term rivalry finally ending with a 44-13 victory. So what did the Tennessee fans do with their goalposts?

As the posts wore torn down, they began to rip them into pieces and carry them in a wave of people out of the stadium. Where did they put them? Well, where else but the Tennessee River? Fans marched the posts down the road and threw them piece by piece into the river where they will forever live as they will never forget a night when they finally beat Alabama. What about the fine? University of Tennessee President Randy Boyd was videoed commenting about the fans storming the field and was asked how much will that cost. His comment was perfect.

25 costliest hurricanes of all time

Although the full extent of damage caused by Hurricane Ian in the Southwest is still being realized, Ian is already being called one of the costliest storms to ever hit the U.S. Stacker took a look at NOAA data to extrapolate the costliest U.S. hurricanes of all time.  


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