This past Friday, it rained all day and there were doubts about whether the Nami Walk was going to happen or even be successful. Well, I arrived bright and early on Saturday Morning to damp roads, but clear skies. Soon, there were other Nami members who came through and we all worked together to set things up for the walk.

There were plenty of people in attendance, including Mayor Nic Hunter and my good friend, Nora Papillion, hosted the event as well and did a great job. The purpose of Nami is all about stomping out the stigma on Mental Illness, and I am more than excited about being a part of such a great cause.

Check out some of the photos and the great people and organizations who came out to support and help for the great cause. Be on the lookout for even more things to come next year and make sure to come out and walk for a great cause. It will be at LCB stadium again next year, and as soon as I get the new date, I will let you know.

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