Many would beg to differ but it seems as if the job market is opening up for many here in Southwest Louisiana. This is great news for businesses trying to get back to where they were pre-hurricane and also great news for many looking to expand into a new field of employment or get back into the workforce.

On Wednesday, March 30, there will be the quarterly Job Fair at The Lake Charles Civic Center inside the Exhibition Hall between 9:30 and Noon. This is a great opportunity for many looking to start back working can possibly get in-person interviews or meet future employers. For those who would like to come out to the Job Fair, make sure you arrive promptly and are dressed for the occasion. You do not need to pre-register for this if you are searching for employment.

Employers should register to take part in the job fair through Wednesday, March 23 by registering online here. There is no cost for employers to register. Just make sure to be prepared for potentially meeting your future employee.

The Louisiana Workforce Commission Mobile Workforce Center will also be on-site to assist those needing help with online application submissions, resume writing. printing and more.

If you would like additional information contact the American Job Center at 337-721-4010 or you can email


30 famous people you might not know were college athletes

Stacker dug deep to find 30 celebrities who were previously college athletes. There are musicians, politicians, actors, writers, and reality TV stars. For some, an athletic career was a real, promising possibility that ultimately faded away due to injury or an alternate calling. Others scrapped their way onto a team and simply played for fun and the love of the sport. Read on to find out if your favorite actor, singer, or politician once sported a university jersey.

Gallery Credit: Sophia Crisafulli

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