Nationwide Restaurant Chain Known for Pasta Shuttering LocationsNationwide Restaurant Chain Known for Pasta Shuttering LocationsThe list of chains closing in 2024 continues to grow. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
500 Pounds of Pasta Mysteriously Dumped in the Woods500 Pounds of Pasta Mysteriously Dumped in the WoodsAuthorities in a central New Jersey town say they are no longer noodling over the mystery of how hundreds of pounds of pasta were dumped near a stream.DJ DigitalDJ DigitalAssociated PressAssociated Press
Pasta Joke Wins One-Liner Joke Contest – But is it Funny?Pasta Joke Wins One-Liner Joke Contest – But is it Funny?A joke about pasta has taken top honors at an international joke-telling festival, however, some people just don't get it. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells