Never in American history has the peaceful transition of power been threatened in the way it is today. Donald Trump has shattered American presidential tradition, that's for sure. Nothing about his presidency was traditional and neither is his departure. With any competition, most adults understand someone has to lose and someone is going to win. That said, with any contest you put your heart and soul into, coming up short really burns. Ask Hillary Clinton, who lost two her bid for the presidency two times in a row. In spite of getting two million plus more votes than Trump to win the popular vote in 2016, she lost the election 227 electoral votes to Trumps 304.

If only Trump was as gracious a loser. His supporters shamefully participated in an insurrection to stop the lawful duty of Congress to count the electoral college votes and officially name Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the next President and Vice-President of the United States, respectively. The violent riot ended in five deaths and the U.S. Capitol was heavily damaged. Several people involved in the riot were members of law enforcement and the U.S. military, both active and retired. More threats of violence have been made against the lives of Biden, Harris, and many other members of the government.

The FBI confirmed threats from extremists and white supremacist groups were real, and more domestic terrorist attempts are possible at the Biden-Harris inauguration. Right now, Washington DC is flooded will thousands of National Guard soldiers and police from all over the country. Their goal is to make sure the peaceful transition of power takes place and no one is harmed in the process. Below is a look at preparations to keep every safe at today's historic inauguration of Joe Biden and the first African-Asian American and first women Vice-President, Kamala Harris.

Protests Expected In Washington
(Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
White House
(Photo by Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images)
Biden-Harris Inauguration
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Washington DC Prepares For Inauguration Of Joe Biden As 46th President
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U.S. Capitol On Lockdown During Inauguration Rehearsal To Due Security Threat Nearby
Photographer: Jeenah Moon/Bloomberg Getty Images
Washington DC Prepares For Inauguration Of Joe Biden As 46th President
(Photo by Eric Thayer/Getty Images)
Washington DC Prepares For Inauguration Of Joe Biden As 46th President
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Washington DC Prepares For Inauguration Of Joe Biden As 46th President
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Washington DC Prepares For Inauguration Of Joe Biden As 46th President
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Washington DC Prepares For Inauguration Of Joe Biden As 46th President
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