Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser talks about the devastation across south Louisiana caused by Hurricane Laura and the efforts, just underway, to restore that part of the state.

Nungesser first talks about his recent tour of the Lake Charles area and his firsthand observations. "I flew with the Governor for two days and saw destruction from the coast all the way up to the top of the state. The destruction is widespread. This is a massive undertaking, especially with so many people (with) no power. But to know how Louisianans and so many people around the country rally around in time of need, it brings...hope to see how people reach out and help neighbors. With all the bad out comes the best in people."

Nungesser then goes on to list a number of ways that folks less affected by the storm can help their fellow Louisianans.

HURRICANE LAURA RECOVERY RESOURCES To volunteer and donate text “Laura” to 76283 OR to donate for Southwest Louisiana

Register Early for D-SNAP now – Sept 10th begins Road closure traffic information Emergency information

Call 211 for information, evac or medical transportation

TEXT: LA shelter 898211: for Shelter/Hotels

FEMA Assistance Application Call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362),

FEMA Assistance for speech/hearing impaired 1-800-462-7585.

Download FEMA APP

Operation Blue Roof 888-ROOF-BLU (888-766-3258)

Louisiana's Most Devastating Hurricanes

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