When the coronavirus pandemic first began Louisiana was singled out as a COVID hot spot. A lot of people targeted Louisiana and New Orleans in particular because the city had just celebrated Mardi Gras, a gathering of hundreds of thousands of people, and that appeared to be the catalyst that really launched the pandemic, at least in Louisiana.

Thomas Park via Unsplash.com
Thomas Park via Unsplash.com

Now, New Orleans Mayor Latoya Cantrell is again using Mardi Gras as a catalyst to move the mindset involving COVID in her community. She is reportedly telling members of New Orleans many and various Mardi Gras Krewes that if they want to roll their parades next year, they better get vaccinated now.

Just to be clear, this is not an official mandate from Mayor Cantrell. Many people see this as the Mayor dangling one more carrot in front of the vaccine-hesitant to go ahead and get the jab. I mean, it's been basically two years since the parades really rolled and with some 40,000 plus people claiming membership in a Mardi Gras Krewe it's not a bad incentive to suggest.

Filiberto Santillan via Unsplash.com
Filiberto Santillan via Unsplash.com

Let's look at the reality of the situation. Mardi Gras season is about three months away. When we start to get toward the end of December there will be Mardi Gras Balls and other Mardi Gras events, or at least, there are those kinds of events that are being planned.

Many healthcare professionals believe that if more people get the COVID vaccination then the prospect of a safer and healthier Mardi Gras season rises significantly. Plus, there are those in the healthcare community that believe the area needs "the diversion" that Mardi Gras offers.

Mathias Elle via Unsplash.com
Mathias Elle via Unsplash.com

Think about it, we've been through three or four hurricanes, an ice storm, I think there was a flood in there too, Joe Burrow graduated, Drew Brees retired, and quite frankly we are due for a little fun. Regardless, we hope you will do what you feel you need to do to keep yourself, your family, and those around you healthy.

By the way, Carnival season officially kicks off on January 6th and Mardi Gras Day comes a little early next year. It is on the calendar for Tuesday, March 1st.

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