Mayor LaToya Cantrell has issued a 'Stay Home Mandate' for the City of New Orleans in hopes of slowing the spread of COVID-19 through the city and parish. While the mandate doesn't add anything new to previous orders given by the mayor or governor, Cantrell says that she plans to 'more aggressively' enforce previous instructions given. At the time of the announcement, Orleans Parish had about 300 cases of coronavirus, including eight deaths.

Cantrell said people should only be going out for "critical needs only." And that non-essential business should extremely reduce or cease operation during this outbreak. Cantrell listed off businesses such as barber shops and nail salons as non-essential businesses that should close.

The following is a list of "essential" activities, per the city's website:

  • Healthcare
  • Food service or cultivation
  • Social services
  • Construction and critical infrastructure
  • News and media
  • Gas stations and automobile repair
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Hardware stores
  • Service providers essential to operation of businesses or residences
  • Mailing and shipping services
  • Educational institutions (via distance learning)
  • Laundry services
  • Restaurants (delivery and takeout only)
  • Work from home support suppliers
  • Essential business support services
  • Food delivery services
  • Essential transportation service providers
  • Home-based care for seniors, adults or children
  • Residential facilities for seniors, adults, and children
  • Professional services
  • Childcare facilities (practicing social distancing)

You can read Mayor Cantrell's mandate here. An excerpt has been posted below:


The New Orleans Health Department provides the following directives to residents and businesses to communicate what would best mitigate the further spread of COVID-19 in New Orleans. The CDC advises that the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus, so residents and businesses should follow these directives if at all possible.

• All residents and visitors to the City of New Orleans should take personal responsibility to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, including but not limited to, avoiding gatherings, and remaining in their homes unless performing essential functions;

• Individuals should maintain at least six feet from other individuals, wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer, cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid shaking hands;

• Essential service providers should comply with social distancing guidelines and continue to operate;

• For employers in the City of New Orleans that do not provide essential business or government services, take all steps reasonably necessary for employees to work remotely from home;

• Businesses not considered essential service providers should have the least number of staff on premises necessary to continue basic operations and must fully comply with social distancing requirements as set forth;

• Individuals are prohibited from engaging in gatherings, even in outdoor parks and spaces;

• Restaurants are prohibited from seating patrons at tables or bars, and are further requested to provide curbside take out and/or delivery services only, with gatherings prohibited on site. This includes outdoor tables and courtyards.

• Movement around the City should be restricted to only that necessary for travel to and from authorized work environments, accessing essential services, and for personal recreation (i.e. walking, hiking, and running), with strict adherence to social distancing guidelines.

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