What could be more fun than a trip to the French Quarter of New Orleans? How about a trip to the beach that has a distinctive feel of the New Orleans French Quarter? Well, that dream may soon be a reality.

Okay, it won't be the full French Quarter vibe but a well-known name from not only New Orleans but a popular restaurant based out of Dallas have inked deals that would have them opening up to serve the throngs of Louisiana residents who make the "Redneck Riviera" a vacation staple every year.

If you're not familiar with The Wharf in Orange Beach it's kind of like a shopping center meets an entertainment district meets an amusement park meets a slew of night clubs and they all meet up very near the beach. Oh, there's also a really nice amphitheatre at the facility that will be bringing a lot of us to that venue just for the musical offerings.

Now about that touch of New Orleans I mentioned. You're probably very familiar with the Cat's Meow?  It's the go-to place in New Orleans for karaoke. In fact, the webcam from Cat's Meow is one of the more popular cams viewed out of the French Quarter on a daily basis.

The Wharf's version of the Cat's Meow will occupy 16,000 square feet of retail space in Suite M101 on Main Street. They are expected to open by Memorial Day. Joining the Cat's Meow at The Wharf will be another location of the Dallas based eatery Dick's Last Resort. 

DIck's Last Resort is well known for its rowdy roadhouse atmosphere and a wait staff that can be borderline obnoxious. Okay, they're not borderline, they are full-blown obnoxious and it just makes a visit to Dick's that much more fun. Stirling Properties is handling all the real estate signings for both of these businesses.

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Gallery Credit: Zillow.com




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