Louisiana Senate to Hold Hearings on Campus Sexual Harassment, Violence [VIDEO]
A senate committee is set to hear testimony about how complaints are handled at Louisiana colleges and universities. The Senate Select Committee on Women and Children will hear testimony on Wednesday at 10am from leaders at schools from around the state.
Among those testifying before the legislative body are Dr. Jim Henderson, President of the University System of Louisiana.
"There's a nationwide problem with sexual violence and what's referred to by a lot of folks as rape culture," Henderson says, "It has complex underpinnings and there are deep cultural challenges. One out of four women on campus at sometime during their four year career is a victim of sexual violence...and we have to figure out how to shift this culture so that women, when they come on a college campus, feel like they're safe and empowered and can live their lives and pursue their education and not have to worry about predators."
Click here to watch the meeting.
The agenda of the meeting includes a "presentation regarding sexual misconduct allegations and incidents at Louisiana colleges and universities".
A spokeswoman for the committee says anyone not comfortable giving testimony in person can email statements to morrisk@legis.la.gov. The deadline to get these comments in is 7am Wednesday morning.
Representatives from the Board of Regents, LSU, the University of Louisiana System and other college leaders are expected to testify. Several college students are also expected to offer testimony about things that have happened to them on college campuses across the state.