Lazy Mom’s Popsicle Hack Beats the Heat and High Prices
A mom who describes herself as "lazy" has taken the Internet by storm with her easy hack to make popsicles fast, cheap, and easy. This could be the answer that so many parents are looking for when it comes to the question "can we have a snack"?
The Popsicle. If ever there was an endearing and enduring symbol of my youth it would be the popsicle. That frozen goodness on a stick you can play with later was the "go-to" snack of my childhood and because you are reading this, I would imagine you have made a memory or two with popsicles.
For many of us, our popsicle knowledge got started with three colors. Those colors would be purple, red, and orange. I hesitated to describe the popsicles as flavors because I don't find the purple really tastes like grape, the red tastes like cherry, nor the orange tastes like, well, orange.
Probably the reason the frozen treats don't taste like their namesake colors would have you believe is that most popsicles aren't made with actual fruit juice. Therein lies another concern for health-conscious parents.
If only there was an easy way to get real juice on those sticks without having to pay an inflated price for the privilege. Enter, our lazy mom. She goes by the handle @sierrawohnig on Tik Tok. Her hack has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. And you're going to be amazed at how simple it is.
What Sierra is doing in the video is cutting the tops off a six-pack of juice boxes. She then inserts a stick into the liquid juice. Then she sets the entire tray of boxes into her freezer and lets the cold temperatures do the rest.
Once the juice has frozen she pulls the boxes out of the freezer and shares them with her kids. They get a delicious cold treat. Sierra knows exactly what kind of vitamins and minerals are in that treat and she has saved some money too.
Just to make sure the math works we priced 40 Apple Juice boxes on Amazon. That price is $37.95 or .94 cents a box. By the way, that's a 6-ounce box. Meanwhile, 40 Juicy Juice 100% juice popsicles will run you about $20. But those popsicles are only 2-ounces so your equivalent cost would be $60 bucks compared to the juice box hack.
The other aspect of Sierra's hack that Amazon and others can't compete with is the "fun" aspect of the project. This is the kind of thing you can get your kids to do. It gives them something to look forward to and you can rest assured that they are at least getting one serving of fruit into their growing bodies this summer.
Now, can your dog have a popsicle? Let's see.
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells