Louisiana ‘Peeping Tom’ Caught on Camera – Can You Identify Him?
A Louisiana family is a bit shaken this morning after they discovered an unidentified man had been peeping into their home. Video taken from a neighbor's surveillance system shows the individual attempting to peek into windows during the early morning hours. If the time stamp on the video is accurate the incident would have occurred just after 3 a.m.
Allen Israel says he has filed a police report and he told KPLC Television that he has never seen anything like this in his usually quiet neighborhood. Israel and his family make their home on Linda Drive in Westlake Louisiana and the video of the voyeur was brought to his attention by his neighbor.
In the video, you can see an individual walk up to one of the windows in the Israel home. He peers in and then moves further down to look into another window. Israel told the TV station he was particularly distressed because the intruder appeared to be looking into the windows of his children's bedrooms.
Here is the video from Israel's social media page. The quality and clarity of the video are pretty good so you might be able to identify the individual seen on the screen. If you can you're encouraged to contact the Westlake, Louisiana Police Department.
Here is the video.
According to the story reported by KPLC, Westlake Police plan to increase patrols in the area near Israel's home. They also caution all homeowners to be vigilant against intruders by making sure that all doors and windows are locked. And if you have a security system make sure it is armed and be sure to check your cameras from time to time.
According to experts the top four adjustments you can make to your home to avoid unwanted visitors peering in your windows are:
1. Install security cameras and post signs that cameras are monitoring your property.
2. Install curtains or blinds that completely block your windows.
3. Keep lights on inside and outside the home, use motion detectors for outside lighting.
4. Get to know your neighbors
All of those are sound advice when it comes to keeping your family safe from those who might want to do them harm. The good news is that other than the cameras almost all of those options to improve your home security can be accomplished for little or no money. Be Safe.
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