Louisiana, Are You Pronouncing ‘Reese’s’ the Right Way?
Through tens of thousands of Louisiana homes from Lafayette to Lutcher and Shreveport to Slidell trick-or-treat bags and plastic pumpkins are overflowing with "them". Okay, "them" and a bunch of other sugary tasty treats. With last night being Halloween I am sure you either bought or had some brought into your home by a costumed child. What is this "them" that we are referring to? It's the candy that you see below.
It's the iconic orange wrapper of the candy that we call peanut butter cups but most of us refer to the product by its brand name, Reese's. I thought I could remember when the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup was new. But apparently, the peanut butter cup happened even before my time. It was invented in the early 1900s.
Now, I recall from my youth the product was reintroduced via TV commercials that depicted two individuals, one eating chocolate while the other was eating peanut butter, crashing into each other only to discover that peanut butter and chocolate taste really good together.
Through the years the Reese's Brand has grown to be so much more than peanut butter-filled chocolate cups. It's speculated that the company has about 100 different products ranging from cereal to cookies to unique designs of their popular peanut butter cups.
You might recall when the brand got a big boost from a major motion picture because M&M's turned down the opportunity and the resulting appearance brought Reese's Pieces to the forefront.
With all the publicity on TV and in movies, you'd think that the proper way to pronounce the brand's name would be a foregone conclusion, but it's not. Folks still say the name of the company incorrectly.
How many of you call this candy, Ree Seas? Well, you're wrong.
Here's an easy way to remember the proper pronunciation of the brand. You know the actress Reese Witherspoon, right? Well, think of an object that belongs to her. That object would be "Reese's object". See you didn't change the way you said her name just to make it possessive, did you? So don't do that with peanut butter cups either.
Now if we could just get people to agree on the proper way to pronounce this stuff.
Then we'd be making some progress. In the meantime, why don't you reach into your kid's trick-or-treat bag and help yourself to a Reese's? Sorry, Not Sorry.