Here's why getting lazy and skipping those walks might be a bigger deal than you think.

Photo by Delphine Beausoleil on Unsplash
Photo by Delphine Beausoleil on Unsplash

The Washington Post has a big story about how skipping walks can "significantly affect your dog's emotional and physical well-being."

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The writer's landlord just added a fence to the yard, so she can let her dog outside now. But she found out that's not enough. Those walks are still really important.

Most yards don't offer enough stimulation. They're too small, and everything's too familiar. One expert compared it to reading the same book over and over again, or expecting to have fun while hanging out in your bathroom.

Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash
Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash

Walks are good for three key reasons: They get some exercise,  sense of companionship from you, and it gives them the mental stimulation they need.

The backyard isn't as good, because they don't get to see new things. Or more importantly, sniff new things. Dogs have 50 times more "olfactory receptors" in their nose than we do. So smelling is really how they "see" the world.

Photo by Silvana Carlos on Unsplash
Photo by Silvana Carlos on Unsplash

Ideally, you should never rush your dog through a walk, or force them to stop sniffing that fire hydrant. It's like going to an art museum you're really into, and having someone hurry you along saying, "Let's go! We're just doing this for exercise and why haven't you used the bathroom yet?"

LOOK: Here Are 30 Foods That Are Poisonous to Dogs

To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call at (888) 426-4435 for advice.

Even with all of these resources, however, the best cure for food poisoning is preventing it in the first place. To give you an idea of what human foods can be dangerous, Stacker has put together a slideshow of 30 common foods to avoid. Take a look to see if there are any that surprise you.

Gallery Credit: Rachel Cavanaugh