You might be tempted to warm your car in the mornings as the temperatures in Central Texas start to drop. This winter, you might get a citation if you warm up your car in the driveway, so you might reconsider.


Unbelievably, it is against the law in Texas to warm up your car unattended. You may get a ticket for this. It's accurate! If you do not meet a very particular condition, it is technically illegal to leave your car warming in your driveaway.

It is against the Texas Transportation Code to leave an automobile unattended unless the engine is stopped, the ignition is locked, and the key is taken out of the ignition. This implies that if your car is warming up in the driveway and you are not inside, a passing police officer may potentially issue you a ticket.

However, if you have a remote starter, you can leave your car running and unattended.

The purpose of the rule is to deter auto theft, and although while you are unlikely to receive a ticket for leaving your car running to warm up, it is still a good practice to always keep a watch on your vehicle. The next thing you know, your belongings are gone, or you are without a car, because thieves look for indications of abandoned autos with the keys in the ignition.

Texas Ranks The Highest In The US For Car Theft.

When it comes to auto theft, Texas routinely places in the top three states, along with Florida and California. The Texas DMV reports that about 200,000 vehicles are broken into and more than 65,000 cars and trucks are stolen annually. Leaving doors unlocked and/or keys inside is a significant contributing factor.

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Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart