Off The Wall Texas Laws You May Not Know About
As model citizens, we all know most of the laws that we need to abide behind in our everyday lives. Don't speed, don't steal, don't hurt someone, don't drink and drive, you know things like that.
Those are standard laws we see getting broken daily on the news or online. The laws we spoke of above are no-brainers. But have you ever researched weird, crazy, or off-the-wall laws in your state?
We did some research on laws in Texas that you may not have been aware of and to say they are off the wall is an understatement! These shocked us, made us laugh, and even
Off The Wall Texas Laws, You May Not Know About
You can't walk barefoot in some Texas cities, You need to get a $5 permit to walk barefoot.
In Texas, It's illegal to drive without windshield wipers. What is weird is that you can't drive without wipers even if you don't have a windshield.
Who does this? Texas residents, It's illegal to eat your neighbor's trash or dumpster diving into public dumpsters to get food.
You are not allowed to on a certain type of encyclopedia. It's illegal to own the Encyclopedia Britannica version because it contains a formula for making beer at home. We guess brewing your beer at home in Texas is illegal.
If you plan on committing a crime, you must give your victims a 24-hour notice before committing a crime. We are wondering, if you do that, is it then legal to commit that crime if you give them proper notice?
Be careful about what you say. In some parts of Texas, if you introduce someone as your wife or husband three times, it makes you legally married. It's called Marriage by proclamation. It's like saying Beetlejuice three times we are guessing.
Keep your hands off another person's utters. Texas residents, you can't milk another person's cow. It is illegal.