Items You Can’t Legally Throw in the Trash in Louisiana
Hey Louisiana, before you go tossing stuff in the trash, you might want to take a second look! Believe it or not, some things are actually illegal to throw away in regular household garbage. That’s right—putting the wrong stuff in your trash bin could get you fined, or worse! Let’s check out some of the big no-nos when it comes to taking out the trash in the Pelican State.
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So what are some of the items that are recommended that you DO NOT throw away in your household garbage? Here are a few of them...
- Batteries - That old pile of AA batteries in your junk drawer? They can’t go in the trash! Batteries contain chemicals like mercury and lead that can leak into the ground and mess up the environment. Instead, drop them off at a battery recycling center or a store that accepts them.
- Electronics (E-Waste) - Old TVs, laptops, cell phones, and gaming systems don’t belong in your trash can. Electronic waste (a.k.a. e-waste) contains materials that can be harmful if they end up in a landfill. Many Louisiana parishes have e-waste recycling programs where you can safely get rid of your old gadgets.
- Paint & Paint Thinner - Got leftover paint from your last DIY project? Don’t just chuck it! Paint, paint thinner, and other similar chemicals can be dangerous to the environment. Many local waste facilities have special disposal days where you can bring these items.
- Motor Oil & Car Fluids - If you’re a do-it-yourself kind of person when it comes to oil changes, remember this—motor oil should NEVER be dumped in the trash (or down a storm drain). Many auto parts stores in Louisiana, like AutoZone and O’Reilly Auto Parts, will take your used oil for free!
Man taking out trash
- Household Chemicals & Pesticides - Cleaning products, bug sprays, and weed killers might seem harmless, but they can be toxic if they end up in landfills. Instead of tossing them in your garbage, look for a hazardous waste collection event in your area.
- Prescription Medications - Flushing meds down the toilet is a no-go, but so is throwing them in the trash. Louisiana has drug take-back programs at many pharmacies and police stations. That way, old medicine doesn’t end up in the wrong hands or in the water supply.
- Fluorescent Light Bulbs - Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) and old-school tube lights contain mercury, which is bad news for the environment. Some hardware stores, like Lowe’s and Home Depot, offer recycling programs for these bulbs.
- Propane Tanks - Did you get an old propane tank from your grill? It can’t go in the trash! These tanks can be dangerous if they end up in a landfill. Many propane suppliers will take back empty tanks, or you can find a hazardous waste drop-off site.
So, next time you take out the trash, make sure you’re doing it the right way.
19 Items Absolutely Banned from Checked Bags at Louisiana Airports
You may be familiar with what you can and cannot pack in your carry-on. But how familiar with items banned from your checked luggage? These are 19 of the more than 50 items that can't fly in your checked bag according to the TSA.
Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart