15 Fan-Favorite Chips in Texas Discontinued in 2025
In 2025, Texas residents might be losing one of their favorite snacks as a part of a few cuts for some major snack brands. Back in December, SPORKED laid out a few snacks that will be disappearing. Don't worry, most of these are still on shelves and accessible now, but you might want to stock up before they are gone.
Potato chips were invented in 1853 by a chef named George Crum in Saratoga Springs, New York. The story goes that a picky customer complained that Crum’s fried potatoes were too thick and soggy. Frustrated, Crum sliced the potatoes super thin, fried them until they were crispy, and added a lot of salt.
To his surprise, the customer loved them, and "Saratoga Chips" became a hit. At first, chips were mostly served in restaurants, but in the 1920s, Laura Scudder started packaging them in wax paper bags, making them easy to sell in stores. Over time, potato chips grew more popular, with new flavors and brands like Lay’s helping them become one of the world’s favorite snacks!
Whether you’re at a party, watching a game, or just craving a quick bite, a bag of chips is always a go-to option. They come in tons of flavors, from classic salted to spicy barbecue, so there’s something for everyone. Plus, their crispy texture is super satisfying, and they’re easy to share with friends and family.
So, which stacks are being discontinued? Texas residents might be pretty upset, so let's find out...
15 Discontinued Snack Chips In Texas In 2025
Gallery Credit: David Drew