A Halloween decoration based on the hit television series Stranger Things has been ordered removed from a Chicago area family's front yard. However, public support and a quick check of rules and regulations in West Plainfield Illinois have caused the very unique Halloween display to be reinstated.

Here is the scene from Stranger Things that inspired the display

The display depicts a very real-looking young woman dressed as Sadie Sink's Max Mayfield character from the popular series. While it looks real enough, it's actually a mannequin. And once people get over the initial jolt of seeing what looks like a human being floating above a suburban Chicago lawn, the next question is, "how did they do that"?

Take a look for yourself, the decoration is the brainchild of Dave and Aubrey Appel. They actually run a Tik Tok Channel entitled @horrorprops

Okay, you've had a chance to look it over, did you figure out how they managed to do that? Many have theorized that there was helium or hot air involved. Others have gone so far as to say it's the work of demons or the devil himself that has Max Mayfield floating like that.

The fact is, well, it's done like this.

Ahh, the old fishing line from the power pole to the edge of the house routine. It's kind of how Tinkerbell flies over Disneyworld, you know magic with wires and electricity assisting.

The Appels did remove floating Max Mayfield for a short time after a neighbor complained. But once the issue with the neighbor and crowd control were resolved they agreed to put the display up again.

10 Little Things that Grind Our Gears in a Great Big Way

The following items are the kind of things that might not even hit your radar on a normal day. However, on a day when all the little things are not going your way, these might just send you over the edge. It's better you laugh at them now, instead of blowing a gasket and having to call a lawyer later.

Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells




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