How Will You Celebrate Your Good Friday?
After coming off of a birthday that didn't really come across like I wanted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In my years of being here in Lake Charles. This will be one of the first Good Fridays where I am not around some of my friends and enjoying a bus load of crawfish, corn and potatoes.
So it brought me to the question to see how everyone else will be celebrating their Good Friday. The order is still in place for essential shopping only and staying at home guideline, unless it is truly important. I am sure there will be plenty of spots open who will be selling crawfish. Is Crawfish an essential means for leaving the house this Good Friday?
We obviously can't have a huge boil like years before. However I feel like you should still be able to enjoy some great food with your immediate family. I am not recommending inviting a bunch of people over to your house. Nor am I recommending you going over to anybody's house and breaking the ten persons rule. But I would say try to enjoy as much as you can without placing yourself or others in harms way.
Remember to play it safe this Good Friday and this Easter weekend. Please follow the guidelines that are in place. Just enjoy yourself and keep in mind that this will be over soon.
Things Mike Soileau misses during Quarantine:
Things Mike Soileau Misses During Quarantine