How in the heck have I never heard of Dunkin' Iced Coffee jellybeans? This is literally the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I haven't even had a chance to taste them yet.

According to a blog posted at Totally The Bomb, Dunkin' Jellybeans are totally a thing. The author writes that she has been able to find them exclusively at Walgreens for $3.99 a bag or, if you're feeling savvy, 2 bags for $6 bucks.

Now, you're probably wondering about flavors. According to the author, the flavors include toasted coconut, buttered pecan, French vanilla, caramel latte and hazelnut. Currently we're in the process of finding some of these around here so we can do an official taste test. And of course by 'official taste test' I simply mean that we want to eat an entire bag at work and saying 'taste test' makes it sound like we absolutely NEEDED to eat the whole bag in the name of science.

Anyway, as soon as we get ahold of these things we'll let you know!

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FOR SALE: Feast Yer Eyes on This Pirate Ship

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