It's a safe bet you've got these at home already or that they'll be in stock on your next grocery run.

We've seen a lot of people panicking because of shortages, from certain foods to toilet paper to pain medications to latex and rubber gloves. Thankfully, there are a number of household items that are very effective at destroying COVID19. There are also a few that you've probably heard also work but that you should steer clear of. Click here to read more from Consumer Reports.


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    Soap And Water

    Health care experts say that the basic friction of washing hands with simple soap and water for at least twenty seconds are sufficient to destroy COVID19. It's also important to note that antibacterial soap only affects bacteria, though it's still as effective as any soap as long as you're using friction and washing long enough.

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    The CDC says bleach can be used to destroy COVID19 though it should be used carefully. Only mix bleach with water and wear gloves to prevent contact with skin. It's also never a good idea to use bleach in a poorly - ventilated area due to the fumes. Read more about handling bleach in the article linked above.

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    (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

    Isopropyl Alcohol

    Solutions containing seventy percent alcohol are effective virus killers, but be sure to first wash the area you want to disinfect and then let the alcohol remain on the surface for thirty seconds.

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    Hydrogen Peroxide

    The CDC says hydrogen peroxide can destroy rhinovirus (which causes colds) in six seconds, so it's also effective against COVID19. It should be allowed to remain on a surface for a full minute for disinfection to occur. Like alcohol, though, it may cause discoloration of some plastics.

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    AVOID: Homemade Hand Sanitizer

    People quickly began trying to make their own hand sanitizer when panic set in just before the COVID19 mandates were issued. Experts say you shouldn't rely on anything you make at home, even if you're following an online formula, as ratios haven't been tested and you'll never know whether it's really effective or not.

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    AVOID: Vodka

    Don't avoid drinking vodka (I know I'm not!) but do avoid using it as an ingredient in hand sanitizers of your own making. No vodka on the market contains the seventy percent of ethyl alcohol needed to be an effective disinfectant.

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    AVOID: Distilled White Vinegar

    Though there are lots of disinfectant recipes online that call for using vinegar, there is no scientific evidence that vinegar is an effective disinfectant.

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    AVOID: Tea Tree Oil

    It smells great and is soothing, but there's no evidence as of yet that it has any disinfectant properties.

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