Should you pack a tennis ball in your carry-on bag is the latest Internet teaser that has been showing up in and around my favorite stories and sites online here lately. I figured it was kind of like the "put your luggage in the bathtub" or the  "toilet paper roll under the toilet seat" kind of fodder but I must admit, I was intrigued.

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As someone who has been blessed to do more than my fair share of traveling I am always looking for tips to make the journey easier. I don't care for flying, I am not afraid, I just don't like the ear-popping motion sickness feeling that I get when I fly. So, I am always looking for ways to remain comfortable and encourage sleep.

For me that usually means Dramamine and well, that's it. That Dramamine usually knocks me out for a few hours but still sitting in those "spacious" airline seats can leave a fellow quite stiff. Believe it or not, that's where the tennis ball actually comes in handy.

You've probably seen massage balls for sale online, right? Those work too but why spend the money if you can just steal a  tennis ball off of granny's walker? What doctors say we should do with the tennis ball is roll it up and down our legs. Actually, they prefer rolling up versus down, this helps force blood back toward the heart and actually relieves tension in the muscles caused by sitting.

Tennis balls are easy to carry, they fit nicely in the side pouch of a backpack, and they are easy to manipulate up your calves, shins, knees, and even your thighs. I guess you could roll them around on your arms too. It's all about improving your blood flow. And when the blood is flowing your body feels better and when your body feels better you'll have a better trip.

So, next time your going to be sitting in an airplane for an extended period of time pack a tennis ball in your carry-on and give yourself a "mile high massage", or at least earn the awkward stares of fellow passengers while you roll a fuzzy ball over your kneecaps.

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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells



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