Disaster SNAP Benefits Approved In 25 Louisiana Parishes
As of September 14, President Biden gave approval for the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to provide additional Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) to families impacted by Hurricane Ida. Please note, regular SNAP recipients are not eligible for DSNAP benefits and should not apply. For more Info about SNAP benefit changes in reference to Hurricane Ida, such as replacement benefits for food lost due to power outages, go to www.dcfs.la.gov/page/snap-updates or text LADSNAP to 898-211.
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) approved the following 25 parishes and zip codes for DSNAP benefits:
Ascension, Assumption, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberia, Iberville, Jefferson, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, Plaquemines, Pointe Coupee, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Martin (lower St. Martin parish only in ZIP codes 70339 and 70380), St. Mary, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, Washington, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana.
Beginning on Monday, September 20, a three phase interview process will start, see the schedule below. Keep in mind DSNAP benefits cannot begin until all other federal disaster food assistance ends in a parish (including PODs and Disaster Household Distribution.) In addition power and telephone/internet needs to be restored, mail delivery back in operation and grocery stores are open.
Residents living in approved areas can apply for DSNAP by phone at LAHelpU or 1-888-524-3578 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. A list of what is needed and step-by-step instructions can be found at www.dcfs.la.gov/DSNAP. Benefit cards will be delivered by mail.
PHASE 1 – September 20-25
E. Baton Rouge, E. Feliciana, Iberia, Orleans, Pointe Coupee, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, Washington, W. Baton Rouge and W. Feliciana
Day 1 (Monday, Sept. 20) – Residents with last names beginning with A-F
Day 2 (Tuesday, Sept. 21) – G-M
Day 3 (Wednesday, Sept. 22) – N-S
Day 4 (Thursday, Sept. 23) – T-Z
Day 5 (Friday, Sept. 24) – Open for all (letters A-Z) in the Phase 1 parishes
Day 6 (Saturday, Sept. 25) – Open for all (letters A-Z) in the Phase 1 parishes
PHASE 2 – September 27-October 2
Ascension, Assumption, Iberville, Jefferson, Livingston, Plaquemines, St. Helena, St. Martin (lower St. Martin Parish ZIPs only 70339 & 70380), St. Mary and Tangipahoa
Day 1 (Monday, Sept. 27) – Residents with last names beginning with A-F
Day 2 (Tuesday, Sept. 28) – G-M
Day 3 (Wednesday, Sept. 29) – N-S
Day 4 (Thursday, Sept. 30) – T-Z
Day 5 (Friday, Oct. 1) – Open for all (letters A-Z) in the Phase 2 parishes
Day 6 (Saturday, Oct. 2) – Open for all (letters A-Z) in the Phase 2 parishes
PHASE 3 – October 4-9
Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist and Terrebonne
Day 1 (Monday, Oct. 4) – Residents with last names beginning with A-F
Day 2 (Tuesday, Oct. 5) – G-M
Day 3 (Wednesday, Oct. 6) – N-S
Day 4 (Thursday, Oct. 7) – T-Z
Day 5 (Friday, Oct. 8) – Open for all (letters A-Z) in the Phase 3 parishes
Day 6 (Saturday, Oct. 9) – Open for all (letters A-Z) in the Phase 3 parishes
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Gallery Credit: Stacey Marcus
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