Did You Know: Control the Ducks on NES With Second Controller
In 1985, the hot game to hit America was Nintendo's "Duck Hunt". The game utilized Nintendo's NES Zapper, a gun used the player used to point at the screen to shoot enemies and ducks. We all played the game as kids. Most of us learned if you stood right at the TV, you could win every time. Others of us learned you could point the gun at a lightbulb or even a piece of paper. See, all the gun needed to see was the color white. When you'd pull the trigger, the screen would go black except for the area around the duck. If the gun saw the white square, it would consider it a "kill".
Most of us spent our time waiting our turn to shoot as we ate pizza and entirely too much soda. Little did we know, if we would have read the instructions we would have seen that by hooking a controller into the second slot, we could have controlled the ducks!
According to the manual that I found on TheAlmightyGuru, sure enough, it indeed states that you can a second controller with the gun.
Used with Game A for second player to control duck's flight pattern
When the duck flies, the controller pad can control what direction the duck flies in, making it even more difficult for the shooter to get a shot. I even found a video of this happening.
So there you have it, some of us were cheated out of our childhood including myself. We could have been flying ducks around the screen, but instead, we were arguing who was going to go next!
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Gallery Credit: Katherine Gallagher