If you happen to pass by Enterprise you will see some things that may look different then the norm. There are plenty of workers out there with large boards and signs covering areas that were normally vacant.

This is all a part of the Nellie Lutcher Memorial Parkway (Enterprise Boulevard) between S. Division St. and Broad St. will be getting a temporary make-over and everyone is invited. The Community Foundation of SWLA – with other regional partners including the City of Lake Charles - partnered with Better Block Foundation, an urban design nonprofit, to initiate revitalization efforts in the City of Lake Charles’ Nellie Lutcher Cultural District. The objective of this is to inspire neighbors and businesses to reimagine the spaces in this corridor.

It all kicks off this evening with beer garden and coffee shop from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. It continues through tomorrow there are so many options for everyone to enjoy!        There will be vendors selling their art work, fresh food and other items. Live music will take place at the beer garden and at the outdoor stage. The Foundation House will host a zydeco brunch (11 a.m.  A play park for kids will be hosted by the City of Lake Charles and be right next to the outdoor music stage.

This is all done in honor of Nellie Lutcher who was born here in Lake Charles in 1912 with an amazing voice singing Jazz and R&B. She has worked with talent such as Nat King Cole and more. Check out a rare shot from 1956 on The Today Show.


Make sure you go to www.BetterBlocksSWLA.com or look them up on Facebook


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