Building Community . . . Building Community . . . The person who lives in a small community lives in a much larger world.Brother JBrother J
John 12:32 - The Right Kind of Help.John 12:32 - The Right Kind of Help.'We must be willing to drive the point home, and then not be afraid to apply them.Brother JBrother J
Is Pride Preventing Your Success?Is Pride Preventing Your Success?There is nothing wrong with receiving accolades for achievement and success.Brother JBrother J
Keeping The Faith.Keeping The Faith.Our greatest comfort in sorrow is to know that God is in control.Brother JBrother J
Colossians 3:3 - The Unknown Line.Colossians 3:3 - The Unknown Line.The spirit of the God testifies to the and confirms the simple.Brother JBrother J
Be Very Careful Who You Listen To . . Be Very Careful Who You Listen To . . What are the people in your life telling you? Are they increasing your self-doubt or strengthening your faith? Just because people tell you something doesn't make it so.Brother JBrother J
Prayer and Spiritual Warfare.Prayer and Spiritual Warfare.Faith covers worldly as well as spiritual needs.Brother JBrother J
Christian Comedian Tim Hawkins Appearing in Lake CharlesChristian Comedian Tim Hawkins Appearing in Lake CharlesChristian comedian Tim Hawkins is set to bring his unique brand of humor to Lake CharlesTownsquare Lake CharlesTownsquare Lake Charles
Acknowledging The Holy Spirit.Acknowledging The Holy Spirit.To worship without the Holy Spirit is a waste of time.Brother JBrother J