Today in Tha Wire, Cardi B makes her film debut in the movie Hustlers. Teaming up with acting vets like Jennifer Lopez and KeKe Palmer, the boogie-down Bronx Hip Hop star is in good company. Matter of fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the movie was based on the Jessica Pressler New York Magazine article, The Cut, you'd think directors wrote the script with Cardi in mind.

The internet has been on fiya as snips of the flick have been leaked over the last couple of weeks. Thanks to Ms. Cardi, folks had a date to focus on as anticipation built for the official movie trailer.

Frederick M. Brown, Getty Images
Frederick M. Brown, Getty Images

Starring an A-list cast that includes Will Ferrell, music icon UsherConstance WuHip Hop star LizzoJulia StilesLili ReinhartTrace LysetteMadeline Brewer, and Mette TowleyHustlers is bound to take the box office by storm.

The sexy movie tells Pressler's real-life story of former strippers getting together to rob the rich and give to the poor: themselves! The comedy-drama give the idea of Robin Hood a whole new meaning, and the ladies use their skillz to entertain a some high-dollar Wall Street clientele. Go see Hustlers in theaters nationwide on September 13!

Below, enjoy the sizzling full movie trailer.

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