Welcome back from the frozen tundra we just experienced a week ago. Although there are rumors we might have another one, SWLA has a whole new issue to begin worrying about. As I type this, we are 99 days away from Hurricane Season. Yeah, my stomach turned as well when I realized it.

With the 2021 season quickly approaching, the Weather Authority has released the names of our possible Gulf Coast visitors. Typically, we would be waiting for festival lineups, concert lineups, and even Houston Rodeo lineups. Instead, we get the names of hurricanes. Welcome to Southwest Louisiana, I guess.

Of course, the naming of hurricanes are in a cycle. A name is only retired once it is considered to be a devastating storm. We have retired Katrina, Rita, and, of course, Laura. I might add that someone might be a Disney fan because we have Ana and Elsa to contend with this season. Don't they realize we just had a visit from Elsa last week? Let's hope we don't need to retire any of these names this year or get as far into the list as we did last year by going into the Greek alphabet.

Your 2021 Hurricane Season names are: Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Elsa, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Julian, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, and Wanda.

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